Environment Variables #
These environment variables configure VTAdmin, most commonly when creating a vtadmin-web
production build as described in the VTAdmin Operator's Guide. These environment variables also enumerated in web/vtadmin/src/react-app-env.d.ts.
Under the hood, vtadmin-web
uses create-react-app, which requires all environment variables to be prefixed with REACT_APP
to avoid accidentally including secrets in the static build. For more on custom environment variables with create-react-app, see "Adding Custom Environment Variables".
These environment variables can be passed inline to the npm run build
command or added to a .env file.
Name | Required | Type | Default | Definition |
REACT_APP_VTADMIN_API_ADDRESS | Required | string | - | The full address of vtadmin-api's HTTP(S) interface. Example: "https://vtadmin.example.com:12345" |
REACT_APP_BUGSNAG_API_KEY | Optional | string | - | An API key for https://bugsnag.com. If defined, the @bugsnag/js client will be initialized. Your Bugsnag API key can be found in your Bugsnag Project Settings. |
REACT_APP_BUILD_BRANCH | Optional | string | - | The branch vtadmin-web was built with. Used only for debugging; will appear on the (secret) /settings route in the UI. |
REACT_APP_BUILD_SHA | Optional | string | - | The SHA vtadmin-web was built with. Used only for debugging; will appear on the (secret) /settings route in the UI. |
REACT_APP_DOCUMENT_TITLE | Optional | string | "VTAdmin" | Used for the document.title property. Overriding this can be useful to differentiate between multiple VTAdmin deployments, e.g., "VTAdmin (staging)". |
REACT_APP_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_TABLET_DEBUG_VARS | Optional | string | - | Optional, but recommended. When "true" , enables front-end components that query vtadmin-api's /api/experimental/tablet/{tablet}/debug/vars endpoint. |
REACT_APP_FETCH_CREDENTIALS | Optional | string | - | Configures the credentials property for fetch requests made against vtadmin-api. If unspecified, uses fetch defaults. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch#sending_a_request_with_credentials_included |
REACT_APP_READONLY_MODE | Optional | string | "false" | If "true", UI controls that correspond to write actions (PUT, POST, DELETE) will be hidden. Note that this only affects the UI. If write actions are a concern, Vitess operators are encouraged to also configure vtadmin-api for role-based access control (RBAC) if needed. |