Query Serving
Query Serving related design docs
This is a list of issues on the Vitess GitHub repo that have been, or are used as design documents and RFCs for various query serving features.
Some of these documents might not be representative of the current state of Vitess.
- Tracking CheckMySQL and Query Engine history
- optimize join & dml routing for reference tables
- VExplain RFC
- vtgate view support
- RFC: stateful throttler config & dynamic control over throttler
- Idea: Online DDL syntax to postpone execution of migrations, and per-shard execution
- Design: REVERT for fast ADD|DROP PARTITION for range partitioned tables
- schemadiff: tracking issue
- RFC: Handle reserved/tainted connections better
- RFC: Rollback of partial failed query in an explicit transaction
- vtgate schema tracking
- Simplify Engine Primitives - extract vindex lookup from routes
- RFC: VSchema based routing and resharding
- RFC: MultiColumn Vindexes
- RFC: SET Statements
- RFC: Locking functions
- RFC: Replica transactions
- Consistent Lookup Vindexes
- Owned Primary Vindex
- Foreign Key Management in Vitess
Query Serving